FAQ | Washington Deluxe Bus |Daily Express Luxury Bus DC & NYC
Reserve Online or Call:
(1.866.287.6932) [email protected]
Express Bus Services between Washington, DC and New York, NY.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Washington Deluxe "Loyalty Rewards Program" is our way of saying thank you for traveling with Washington Deluxe. Join the rewards program and start earning points toward your free trips today!

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Booking Reservations

Reserving online

You can reserve and purchase your seats online on this website up to the midnight prior to travel. After purchase, you will receive an email confirmation that also serves as your boarding pass. It will contain your reservation number. Be sure to print it and bring to the bus. If you don't have a printer, write down the reservation number. We don't oversell our schedules so this boarding pass will guarantee you a seat on your ticketed schedule. Tickets are date and schedule specific. back to top

Reserving by phone

You can also reserve by calling our customer service at 866-BUS- NYDC (866-287-6932). After purchase, you will receive a confirmation number that will serve as your boarding pass. Like online purchases, a reservation number guarantees you a seat on your ticketed schedule only. back to top

Walk-ups on a stand-by basis

We will first board and seat the reserved passengers and if we will have seats remaining, we will offer walk-up fares (cash only at this time). Walk-up fares will be sold on a first come first serve basis. back to top

How much is the fare?

Online bookings, or bookings made through our office: Monday through Thursday: starting from $22.00 each way. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays: starting from $26.00 each way.

PLEASE NOTE: Prices are subject to increase without notice during peak hours. back to top

Are reservations required for travel?

A reservation is required to reserve a seat on the bus. Your reservation will be honored only if you arrive on time. Your reservation is valid only for travel on the schedule and date that you have reserved. If a passenger does not have a reservation for that schedule he/she can travel on a stand-by basis only. back to top

Are reservations refundable?

Reservations are non-refundable and only good for travel on the schedule and date that you have purchased. We therefore ask you to please be definite about your travel plans before booking a seat with us. If you miss your bus you lose your seat and the funds used to purchase the seat, however you may travel on a stand-by basis on the SAME DAY ONLY for other schedules. If a seat is available, you will be allowed to board the bus. back to top

Can I modify or cancel a reservation?

Washington Deluxe allows you to modify your reservation. Click the "edit my trip" button on the top of any page on the website and follow the instructions thereafter. You do not have to be logged into your account to edit trips.
You will easily be able to change your date of travel. We do not allow cancellations of reservations as they are non-refundable. If you do not know yet when you will be traveling in the future, you may place your reservation on hold indefinitely at no charge. Your existing reservation number will no longer be valid, and you will receive a new "Hold Number" instead. Whenever you decide on a day of travel, you can log in again using your new "Hold Number", and you will be able to choose a new travel date. A reservation fee of $2.00 will be charged per seat when re-activating any hold number, or when rescheduling any reservation(s).
Please note that new travel dates & times will be subject to availability of seats on the trip of your choice. Any fare differential between the original fare paid and the new fare will be charged at the time of modification. There will be no refund of fare if the new fare is cheaper than the original fare. Also, if the price of your new reservation is more expensive than your original reservation, you will be charged the difference at that time (plus the $2.00 reservation fee as above). All changes MUST be made prior to midnight of the day of travel. Same day changes or cancellations can only be done by a customer service representative.
Please note: If you wish to modify or cancel a round trip, make sure to edit both legs of the trip separately via their reservation or "Hold" numbers. back to top

Washington Deluxe Rewards Program

What is the program & how does it work?

The Washington Deluxe Reward program is similar to frequent-flier programs offered by many airlines. You create an account with us, and you then earn points for every purchase you make (as long as you log in to your account when doing so). Accumulated points will earn you free tickets. back to top

How do I create an account?

On the top of each page of this website there is a blue box containing the words "Login/Sign Up". Clicking this box will display a "Sign Up Now" link which in turn will lead you to the sign-up page. An account is free and takes only minutes to set up.back to top

How do I earn points?

Each time you return to this website to book tickets, simply log in to your account prior to booking the reservation. Each seat on the pass earns you a point in your account. PLEASE NOTE: Only reservations made on your own on this website under an account will earn points. Points are not earned for reservations booked through a customer service representative on the telephone or for those reservations purchased at the bus. back to top

How many points are required to book a free trip?

For every 8 points in your account you earn a free seat on any of the Washington Deluxe Bus schedules. So for every 8 one-way tickets or 4 round trip tickets you purchase, you receive a free one-way ticket. back to top

How do I redeem my Washington Deluxe points?

When you are logged in to your account, and have at least 8 points in your account you will see a checkbox that says "To redeem points towards this transaction, please check this box". We made this optional so that if you wish you may keep your points in your account for a later time. You will not earn points for seats you booked as redemption of points. If you do not redeem your tickets, you will be charged the regular fare thereby earning additional points. back to top

What if I only have enough points in my account for part of a trip, but not for all of it?

If you do not have enough points in your account to cover the whole transaction of seats you are purchasing, and you decide to redeem your points at that time, our system will deduct the points you do have towards the portion of the trip that it covers. You will be charged for the remaining portion that you are purchasing only, and you will earn additional points for such seats. Example: you have 12 points in your account, and you want to purchase a round trip ticket. So you have enough points to cover the outbound portion of your trip (8 points), but not enough to cover your return portion. In this scenario if you do not click the redeem points checkbox, you will be charged the full fare round-trip fare and you will earn 2 additional points in your account. If you do redeem your points, you will use 8 of your points for the outbound portion of your trip, and we will charge your credit card for the return portion only. In this case you will also earn 1 point for the return portion of your trip that you just paid for. back to top

How do I redeem hard paper coupons I have from previous trips?

Hard coupons cannot be redeemed online. Please create an account with us online (see above) and mail the coupons to our office.

Address to mail paper coupons:
Washington Deluxe
320 Roebling Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211

Please include your NAME AND EMAIL ADDRESS so that our staff may look up your account and then credit points to your account. Each pink coupon will translate into one point and each blue coupon will translate into 2 points. back to top

Boarding the bus

How much before departure time should I arrive at the bus stop?

Please arrive at the pickup point no later than 15 minutes before departure. If you have purchased a ticket online please bring your email confirmation. You'll need to show your email confirmation to your driver as this will act as your boarding pass. Feel free to sit in any open seat. back to top

What happens if I arrive late or very close to departure time

Five minutes before departure we reserve the right to release any reservations as "no shows". Walk-up passengers may be loaded at this time, and you could lose your seat to a walk-up passenger. back to top

What do I do if I've forgotten my email confirmation?

You need to call the office for your reservation number. Please make sure to have your reservation number when boarding the bus, otherwise you will slow the boarding process. back to top

If I miss the bus, can I hop on any later schedule?

No. Reservations are only valid for the date and time it has been booked for. You may use your reservation as a stand-by ticket for a later schedule on the same day, if there is a seat available. However, it is at the discretion of the manager at the bus stop. If you don't show up prior to the last bus for that day, the ticket is forfeited and cannot be rescheduled. back to top

Baggage and Seating

What are the rules on baggage?

You are allowed two piece of baggage under the coach 40 lb. maximum each and one small bag to carry on (purse or backpack). The carryon bags should be small enough to fit in the overhead bin. Always keep your medicines and valuables with you. Do not leave them in your stowed baggage. We recommend that you properly tag all bags and place your name, address and phone number on the inside. If a bag is left mistakenly behind and is properly marked, we will return it to you free of charge. Washington Deluxe is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen goods. back to top

Can I take a bicycle or golf bag?

We do allow them and consider them to be oversize items as long as space is available in the baggage area. The oversize item will count as your one bag allowed under the coach. You'll be responsible for placing the item in the baggage bin. We will not charge you an additional fee for oversized item provided it is within your limit of one bag under the coach. Washington Deluxe is not responsible for damage to oversize items or items that are not placed in normal luggage or a carrying case. back to top

What can't I take in my baggage?

We don't allow the transport of any type of weapon. We also do not allow the transport of any material that would be deemed hazardous material by the DOT (Acids, ammunition, animals, combustible liquids, compressed gases, corpses, cremated remains, explosives, firearms of all types, fireworks, flammable liquids, furniture, hazardous materials (poisons, radioactive materials, etc.) back to top

Is there assigned seating on your buses?

No. Seating is on a first come first serve basis only. back to top

Can I request seating in the front of the bus?

The seats in the front of the bus located behind and across from the driver are designated as priority seating to accommodate passengers with disabilities or other special needs. If these seats are occupied, the driver may ask the seated passenger to move to another seat in order to accommodate those special needs riders. back to top

Does Washington Deluxe provide seating for disabled passengers?

We provide priority seating for disabled or elderly passengers. back to top

How much is the fare for children?

Children 2 years and older pay full fare. Children under 2 years old can travel free of charge as long as they do not occupy a seat of their own. back to top

Can children travel unaccompanied by an adult?

Any person under 17 years of age must be accompanied by an adult (17 years of age or over) when traveling on Washington Deluxe buses. Unaccompanied children and teens under the age of 17 are not permitted to travel on Washington Deluxe. back to top

If I am traveling with a baby, am I required to bring a baby/booster seat?

The law does not require babies to be seated in a booster seat on coach buses. However, if you do prefer to use a baby/booster seat, you will need to purchase an extra ticket for the seat in which it will be placed. It is the passenger's responsibility to assure that the booster seat meets government recommended quality standards. back to top

Can I bring a pet on board?

No dogs, cats, birds, or other animals will be transported. However, we allow service animals to accompany a special needs traveler who has a disability as defined by the "Americans with Disabilities Act". The service animal is the responsibility of its owner at all times (i.e.) leash, harness or carrier. Service animals must ride in the bus within the customers space and may not travel in the aisle or occupy a seat. Washington Deluxe Bus reserves the right to refuse passage to any animal that poses a direct threat to the health and safety of other customers or personnel. back to top

On the bus

How long does the trip take?

The average trip duration is approximately 4 to 4 1/2 hours depending on traffic and weather conditions. Washington Deluxe is not liable for delays caused by accidents, breakdowns, road conditions, weather and other conditions beyond its control and does not guarantee to arrive at or depart from any point at a specific time. back to top

Do you provide Wifi and plugs so that I can use my laptop on the bus?

Almost all of our coaches are equipped with Wifi and plugs. We cannot be responsible for the stability of the connection since it is a moving vehicle and may also be affected by how many passengers are logged on at any given time. Because of wireless reception issues, this service cannot be guaranteed, AND NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED

Is smoking or alcoholic beverages allowed on the bus? How about snacks and other beverages?

In order for us to secure the health and safety of our passengers and drivers, smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages is not allowed on any of our buses. Washington Deluxe Bus reserves the right to refuse to transport (A) a person under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, (B) anyone who is incapable of taking care of him/herself. (This does not apply to persons who are accompanied by an attendant or nurse), or (C) anyone whose conduct is such or likely to be such as to make him or her objectionable to other passengers or prospective passengers. Passengers may transport unopened alcoholic beverages in their luggage for use at their destination. Non-alcoholic beverages and snacks are ok as long as they do not annoy the other passengers and the bus is kept clean. All trash should be placed in the trash bags provided. back to top

What is the policy towards cell phone use on the bus?

Generally, we do not restrict passengers using the cell phone on the bus, however, we recommend that all phone conversations be of short duration and spoken in a low tone of voice in consideration of the other passengers. Passengers sitting in the front 4 rows are not permitted to use their cell phones for the entire trip as the conversation can distract the driver from focusing on the road. back to top

Are there any more rules for passengers?

Not many... we ask that you be respectful of your fellow passengers. Use headphones if you listen to music or watch a movie. We don't allow disruptive behavior such as loud conversations, music or fighting. The driver will warn the offending parties once and if needed the driver will escalate to the proper authorities. We have a zero tolerance policy for alcohol, drugs, weapons and unruly behavior. back to top

Group Reservations

How can I book a group reservation and do you offer any group discounts?

All Group Reservations have to be requested in advance. The fare will be discussed upon receipt of the reservation request and cannot be combined with any other discounts. back to top

Parking Information At Our Bus Stops

Where can I park near your bus stops?

Please click here for parking information provided by "Parking Panda". back to top

Cancelled Schedules

What happens if the schedule I chose is cancelled?

We'll make every effort to operate our published schedules. Events will happen both within our control and beyond our control that may cause us to cancel schedules. A cancellation for any reason will allow you to request a refund or reschedule your trip at no charge to you. If the cancellation was our fault, we beg for your forgiveness. We will contact you when we know the schedule is cancelled via the email address provided during the reservation booking process. If you haven't provided us with an email address (only possible if you reserved over the phone) we will try and contact you via the phone number you provided back to top

Comments or Complaints

Where can I direct a complaint?

Comments or complaints related to our bus service may be emailed to [email protected].
Comments/suggestions related to the functionality and or improvement of this website, should be sent to our webmaster at [email protected]. back to top

How can I stay informed of all Washington Deluxe specials and updates?

Please have a valid and updated email address in the system to receive the updates and specials. back to top

For additional issues that haven't been discussed in the FAQs, please visit the Terms & Conditions page or the Privacy Policy page. Additionally, you may contact our office via email, the Contact Us page, or by contacting our call center at 866.BUS.NY.DC (866.287.6932) or 718.387.7523.

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